Tuesday, November 30, 2010


As in, not a winner.  No new rug for me--at least, not a free one.  I am eyeballing a flokati that I think will add some lovely texture, and hopefully distract from the less appealing...well, everything else.  I wonder how it would hold up to cats and kids? 

This weekend we left the kids with their first non-family sitter and went to a holiday party.  I made a pear-infused vodka, and a rosemary-infused simple syrup, and mixed up some of these.  They were really yummy!  Perhaps a little too yummy, if you know what I mean.  I wish I'd thought to take a photo of my lovely little bar-in-a-box before we left.  I arranged all the drink components (vodka, syrup, sparkling water, pear nectar) and some handmade linen cocktail napkins in a small fruit crate, with the cocktail recipe tucked in.  It looked so nice I had to immediately mix and drink four glasses all by myself.  It also helped me stop caring that I hardly knew anyone there, or that my skirt was really short.  Okay, I never really stopped caring about either of those things, but I did feel generally better about the world.  Until the next morning.

Although I forgot to take a picture of my artfully arranged alcohol, I have been snapping pictures of the cats like a crazy person.  In future years, I will probably have them screenprinted onto sweatshirts that I will wear for my walks in the mall or to bingo games.  I keep telling myself to stop, but then Pip climbs into the dishwasher again, and lets melty ice cream drip on him from the top rack, and my hand just picks up that camera and starts clicking.  Why am I compelled to document their idiocy?  I guess it's because I wuvs them.

I am exhausted (battling a cold), and I know tomorrow is going to be draining.  But I don't sleep well when I'm stressed about an impending event, so I'm stalling bedtime.  I think I will chug some Neo-Citran in hopes of actually getting some quality rest.  Kids, don't try this at home, I am a trained professional.  Mmmm...hot, lemony, medicinal goodness.

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