Sunday, September 18, 2011

Uh Huh

I'm still keeping up that hectic posting schedule!  Whew!

We are now at the beginning of a new school year for the kids, a school year which claims all three of them for a full school day.  So! Liberating!  I can actually Get Things Done during the day--multiple Things, even!  So the house should be spotless, and there should be an elaborate, healthy, hot dinner on the table every day, right?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Instead, every room is a labyrinth of boxes and bins to navigate, and there is a 3mm layer of dust on everything, including the cat hair tumbleweeds.  It's alright though, because it means RENOVATIONS ARE HAPPENING GLORY BE.  The basement has been gutted and is about to be rebuilt, so everything that was down there has been brought up here (or shoved in the garage), and a thick layer of dust has settled over and into everything.  The disgusting fireplace has been knocked out, and in its place is a hole wrapped in plastic.  Tomorrow the gross spindle wall is coming down, as well as the wall which creates a redundant hallway.  We may also knock out the bathroom wall, but that one will have to wait until we have a finished bathroom downstairs to use while the main floor bathroom is non-operational. 

I am super happy about this.  Even the crazy, dusty bits.  Even the moving-furniture-by-myself-in-an-overcrowded-dusty-room bits (which is what I am doing this weekend, in prep for the wall-bludgeoning tomorrow).  It's all good, baby.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Word

I am bad at this.  I have thought many times of updating this here slice of interweb, but passed in favour of staring blankly at a wall, or some other intellectually stimulating activity.  Really, the problem is that I decided this would be a good place to document the changes we are making to the house, and then we didn't make any.  Okay, we did make a couple (firstly, we put our stuff in it), but I have been feeling so down about this place that I didn't even want to talk about it.  Not even to myself, which is really what this entire site is: a socially acceptable alternative to the usual muttering out loud I do at the grocery store. 

This house depresses me.  Will I be able to make it not hateful?  I worry that I won't.  Especially when my first tentative forays into ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (that was supposed to be Bowie-esque) have been mildly disappointing with a hint of frustrating.  Paint colours that aren't quite as planned.  Minor projects that are painfully slow to complete.  And ugly, ugly everywhere!  I just want to make the ugly go away, and it's hard!  Waaah, my life is so difficult.

On the plus side, the kids and I survived 10 days together without another adult.  I mean, besides schoolteachers and whatnot.  I navigated 1.5 weeks of solo parenthood, and I have to say, HOLY CRAP real single parents are amazing.  I didn't even have to go to work or anything, and I am so exhausted I can't see straight.  I am humbled.