Friday, February 18, 2011

My Word

I am bad at this.  I have thought many times of updating this here slice of interweb, but passed in favour of staring blankly at a wall, or some other intellectually stimulating activity.  Really, the problem is that I decided this would be a good place to document the changes we are making to the house, and then we didn't make any.  Okay, we did make a couple (firstly, we put our stuff in it), but I have been feeling so down about this place that I didn't even want to talk about it.  Not even to myself, which is really what this entire site is: a socially acceptable alternative to the usual muttering out loud I do at the grocery store. 

This house depresses me.  Will I be able to make it not hateful?  I worry that I won't.  Especially when my first tentative forays into ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (that was supposed to be Bowie-esque) have been mildly disappointing with a hint of frustrating.  Paint colours that aren't quite as planned.  Minor projects that are painfully slow to complete.  And ugly, ugly everywhere!  I just want to make the ugly go away, and it's hard!  Waaah, my life is so difficult.

On the plus side, the kids and I survived 10 days together without another adult.  I mean, besides schoolteachers and whatnot.  I navigated 1.5 weeks of solo parenthood, and I have to say, HOLY CRAP real single parents are amazing.  I didn't even have to go to work or anything, and I am so exhausted I can't see straight.  I am humbled.